Collections of Quotes


Drawing of people listening to Socrates
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"A fine quotation is a diamond in the hand of a man of wit and a pebble in the hand of a fool." - Joseph Roux

I am a lover of quotes. As a classroom teacher in the early 1990s, I wrote a quote on the board each morning and would reference it during our morning meeting to start our day. Later as a Principal, I shared a quote in my weekly email to the staff. The quote was always selected to emphasize a particular point or priority. In February 2009, I joined the world of Twitter and began to share a daily quote that I would later begin to tag with the hashtag #DayStarter. Most recently, I have begun to curate quotes around important topics. These quotes have been foraged for across the internet and a lifetime of reading, listening, and learning. I make no claim to the authenticity of any of the quotes. I simply know that these quotes spoke to me when I discovered them. I share them with you to pass along the moments of reflection and resonation I felt and found.

31 Quotes about the Power of Choice

25 Quotes about Hope

25 Quotes about the Power of Reading

20 Quotes about Resilience

24 Quotes about the Power of Teamwork

21 Quotes about the Power of Empathy

19 Quotes about the Power of Synergy

31 Quotes about the Power of Collaboration

20 Quotes about the Power of Communication 

25 Quotes about the Power of Passion

24 Quotes about the Power of Encouragement

25 Light the Way Quotes

25 Quotes from "The Lighthouse Effect"

25 Quotes about Success

42 Quotes from "Atomic Habits"


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