Meet Dr. Jackson

Photo of Dr. Jackson and family.
My wife and children are my why.

Dr. Rob Jackson is a native North Carolinian and a proud Public School Graduate. He began his tenure as the Superintendent of the Buncombe County Schools System in the mountains of North Carolina on November 1, 2022.

He previously served as the Superintendent of the Carteret County Public School System on the Crystal Coast of North Carolina.

During his tenure as the Superintendent of the Carteret County Public School System, Dr. Jackson helped lead the successful passage of a $42,000,000 school construction bond to fund construction projects on each school campus in the system. An additional $12.9 million dollars was secured through state grants. Advocating for staff members, Dr. Jackson led efforts to increase local supplements for certified and classified staff members for the first time in approximately 15 years. Approaching the 2022-2023 school year, working in partnership with county and municipal leaders, School Resource Officers have been funded and placed in each Elementary, Middle, and High School in the school system.

Dr. Jackson often comments that in an excellent system, excellence permeates throughout the system, not just in pockets. During his tenure, every school in the school system met or exceeded growth during the 2021-2022 school year. Every eligible elementary, middle, and high school in the school system was recognized by US News and World Report in their Best Schools report. Each school in the school system has been recognized by the North Carolina Department of Public Instruction for two consecutive years with the Purple Star Award for service to military-connected students and families.

He previously served for six years as the Superintendent of the Edenton-Chowan School System in Northeastern North Carolina. During his tenure there, the school system's Cohort Graduation Rate rose from 78.9% when he arrived to 93% for the Class of 2020. During the final year he served as Superintendent, for which accountability data is available (2018-2019), every school in the school system met or exceeded growth while the Middle School and High School each earned their highest School Performance Grades ever. For the third consecutive year, the school system had zero low-performing schools. The school system received "unqualified" (clean) financial audits each year Dr. Jackson served as Superintendent and for the last three years had no findings, nor Management Letter (considered a "perfect" financial audit). Additionally, D.F. Walker Elementary School was named the North Carolina ESEA National Distinguished School.

Dr. Jackson believes in growing and coaching leaders. During his tenure, among the  Leadership Team, two Principals, Mrs. Sheila Evans and Mrs. Michelle White were named Regional Principal of the Year while Mrs. Casey Bass was named the Regional Career-Technical Education Director of the Year. Three of Dr. Jackson's former Assistant Superintendents are now serving as Superintendents. Additionally, the 
Edenton-Chowan Schools Board of Education received the NCSBA Board Leadership State Award.

Prior to being named superintendent, he served in Union County Public Schools near Charlotte, NC. While there, he served on the Superintendent's Executive Cabinet as the Chief Communications Officer, as a principal of an elementary school, and as a principal of two high schools. He actually opened two of the schools as their very first principal. At the last school he served as principal, the high school was named an Honor School of Excellence for academics, earned 11 State Championships in 3 years, and grew what was considered the largest high school band in the history of the county.

During his career in education, Dr. Jackson has served as a School Secretary, Bus Driver, Summer Custodian, After-School Associate, Teacher, Assistant Principal, Elementary School Principal, High School Principal, and Chief Communications Officer.

Dr. Jackson also served in the US Navy onboard the USS Iwo Jima.

Dr. Jackson has earned numerous state and national awards. In 2020 he was named the North Carolina High School Athletic Association Superintendent of the Year. He was selected as the first Superintendent to receive the Dr. Sam Houston Leadership Award in 2019. 
In July 2017, Dr. Jackson was unanimously selected as the Regional Superintendent of the Year, representing the eighteen school districts in Region One. He was the inaugural winner of the Dr. Brad Sneeden Superintendent Leadership Award, and is a past North Carolina State Principal of the Year; North Carolina High School Principal of the Year, and National Distinguished Principal.

Dr. Jackson earned a Doctorate in Educational Leadership from Wingate University, an Education Specialist degree from Wingate University, a Master of School Administration degree from Western Carolina University, a Bachelor of Science in Education degree from Western Carolina University, and an Associate in Arts degree from Asheville-Buncombe Technical Community College.

Dr. Jackson serves in leadership roles for several civic and professional organizations:

  • Member of the myFutureNC Advisory Board of Commissioners
  • Member of the North Carolina School Superintendents Association 
  • Member of the North Carolina Association of School Administrators 
  • Member of the North Carolina School Public Relations Association
  • Honorary Member of the North Carolina Association of Teacher Assistants
  • Past Member of the Executive Board of Directors of the North Carolina School Superintendents Association
  • Past Chairman of the Superintendent's Council of the Northeastern Regional Educational Service Alliance
  • Past President of the North Carolina High School Athletic Association Executive Board and Board of Directors
  • Past President of the Board of Directors of the North Carolina Association of Supervision and Curriculum Development
  • Past Member of the North Carolina State Council of the Military Interstate Childrens Compact Commission


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