A Special Message of Hope from Our Young People


We all have been trying to make sense of this unprecedented global crisis brought forth by the COVID-19 virus. Much has been written about the crisis. Even more has been said about this uneasy and uncertain time. People around the world are struggling to make sense of this pandemic and to work toward joining together as citizens of our global community to determine the best and safest ways to move forward from this crisis to better and more "normal" days for which we are hoping and believing and, surely, that we are praying will lie ahead for all.

Still, however, within the current context and the greatly altered reality of our "now" all of us are worried about the impact of this worldwide crisis on those young people that we are so richly blessed to serve every day. In recent years, our students have experienced a series of "interruptions" in the progression of their school years--- initial "interruptions" that were followed by months and even years of struggle to recover fully if ever at all.

Our seniors, for instance, have experienced three consecutive hurricanes (Matthew, Florence, and Dorian) in a little over three years and now, like everyone else, they are contending with the COVID-19 crisis. All of our students, our staff members, and our larger overall communities need something to believe in and something positive or uplifting to embrace. Purely, during this crisis--- just like in our daily lives--- we all just need hope--- hope founded in a positive belief in others and supported by the unwavering notion that things will improve and that, without question, there will be a better day for all.

I believe that we all have tried to lead with all that we have and in every beneficial way possible. In doing so, we often seek to provide words of encouragement for our stakeholders and the larger surrounding communities as frequently as possible. I know that we all have been worried about high school seniors and that we all have been trying to provide them with constant encouragement amid so many circumstances that are not positive. As they are ending their senior year in ways that they never imagined with so much that already has been missed, canceled or changed in dramatic ways, our young people all could be filled with a sense of sadness and even bitterness. I am sharing with you this afternoon a small but powerful piece of evidence that this is not the case and, further, that our Class of 2020 (in ALL of our school systems throughout North Carolina) truly is made up of wonderful, resilient, and irrepressibly positive young people who not only are a credit to our school districts now, but also that will help to lead our global community into a future that surely will be brighter and better because of their leadership tomorrow having lived through the challenges of today.

I am very thankful for the Class of 2020 and for every bright smiling face that we will honor this year in whatever alternative ways are possible as we present them with their diplomas and send them forth with our admiration, our best wishes, and, purely, with our love.

I have included below a link to a song that was written by one of our students, Ethan Cahoon, a senior at South Lenoir High School. He was moved by what currently is happening and by the enormity of "change" in our world and in the progression of his senior year. Ethan said that he wanted to share something positive with his fellow seniors and with others. Ethan shared his lyrics with a classmate and fellow senior, Avery Harper, who took a couple of days to write music to accompany the lyrics from Ethan. Ethan and Avery worked out their song as Avery sang. They thought that they needed some additional help so they brought in another senior, Arielle Winn, to harmonize with Avery. These students are not professional musicians. Instead, they are just kids who wanted to help others. Together, they created what our school system family feels to be a very moving song--- something simply beautiful in a time that needs so much more of that which is positive and that which is beautiful. Simply put, it is an expression of hope--- a work of positive determination that everything really will be fine and that we will get through this together. Essentially, it is "... the perfect message at the right time!" What better vehicle for such an uplifting and inspiring sentiment than a song and what better ambassadors of "hope" than our young people?

I know all of the myriad worries and concerns that are on your shoulders during this difficult time. I wanted to take a moment this morning to share this with you and to invite you to do as we have done and to listen to these simple lyrics and this powerful message from our children that affirms what you know and already live and lead from each day--- that hope for a better tomorrow IS well justified and that the future for all absolutely will be better than ever because of what certainly will be the vision and leadership of the young people that we are so fortunate to serve today.

Again, I hope that you enjoy this as much as we did. Thank you for taking the time to read this message and to listen to the song this afternoon. Thank you for your leadership every day. Thank you simply for being GREAT!

Brent Williams serves as the Superintendent of the Lenoir County Public Schools in Kinston, NC. He has served in the Lenoir County Public Schools System for 27 years, beginning as an English Teacher at North Lenoir High School. 


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